What Next? Strategic Priorities After UK Withdrawal From the Energy Charter Treaty
Instinctif Partners, 65 Gresham St, London, EC2V 7NQ
About this Event
In February 2024, the UK announced that it would withdraw from the Energy Charter Treaty (ECT), an investment treaty that has protected and benefited fossil fuel investments. The UK’s exit from the ECT is a meaningful step forward, but its sunset clause and the UK still having over 80 investment treaties with investor-state dispute settlement (ISDS) provisions, which protect fossil fuel investments in the same way as the ECT, remain a challenge.
This event aims to consider these challenges and explore collaborative strategies for civil society organisations, the UK government, and businesses to effectively navigate reforming the investment treaty regime beyond ECT withdrawal.
- (Moderator) Eunjung Lee, Senior Policy Advisor, E3G
- Beverley Cornaby, Director, UK Corporate Leaders Group
- Sarah Williams, Head of Strategic Partnerships, Green Alliance
- Lukas Schaugg, Policy Advisor, IISD
- Jordan Dilworth, Researcher, E3G
About E3G
E3G is an independent climate change think tank with a global outlook. We work on the frontier of the climate landscape, tackling the barriers and advancing the solutions to a safe climate. Our goal is to translate climate politics, economics and policies into action.
E3G builds broad-based coalitions to deliver a safe climate, working closely with like-minded partners in government, politics, civil society, science, the media, public interest foundations and elsewhere to leverage change.
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