What Does 2024’s ‘Year of Democracy’ Mean for Business and the Planet?
Deloitte , 1 New Street Square London, EC4A 3HQ
About this Event
Join us at the Fleet Street Quarter’s first Climate Festival during London Climate Action Week #LCAW2024. Comprising a series of high-level debates and networking, the two-day Festival’s overarching theme is, creating a blueprint for a more sustainable future.
Through the Festival, Fleet Street Quarter, the Business Improvement District for the City of London’s Fleet Street area, aims to help businesses in the area and beyond accelerate their efforts to transition to net zero.
This panel discussion and Q&A will take place on day 2 of the Festival.
What does 2024’s ‘year of democracy’ mean for business and the planet? Is sustainability still a political imperative or an unpopular cost?
On this panel you’ll hear from three of the UK’s biggest names in climate strategy and action. What are the implications for climate action and the road to COP30 of half the world having elections this year? Is this the moment for business to step into the spotlight and set out a blueprint for delivering net zero?
MODERATOR: Naomi Kerbel, Director, SEC Newgate
Panellists include:
- Charlie Ogilvie, previously Director of Strategy for COP26 at the UK Cabinet Office
- Chris Skidmore, former energy minister and author of The Net Zero Review
- Heather Buchanan, Chief Executive and Co-Founder, Bankers for Net Zero
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