State of Climate Politics Forum
Mansion House, Walbrook, London EC4N 8BH, United KingdomAbout this Event
The State of Climate Politics Forum is a high-level international event which provides a new forum for examining how climate change is shaping and impacted by broader international and national politics.
The motivation for the forum is rooted in the insight that political and geopolitical issues are the main barrier to effective climate action. It is imperative to improve mainstream analysis, debate, and solutions to these complex and difficult issues. The Forum brings together considerable insight and inspiration to animate this crucial conversation with the audience at this moment of change in the EU and approaching the moment for climate ambition and action on the global stage in 2025.
Convened by leading international climate change think tank, E3G, the State of Climate Politics Forum is an ‘on-the-record’ event hosted at the prestigious Mansion House in the city of London. It will be the first conference of this type and designed as a “go to” flagship event for a global audience at London Climate Action Week, Europe’s largest independent climate festival and a hub for innovation, debate and leading action on climate change.
The event will be attended by 250 guests from governments, embassies, business, the media and academia, and civil society.
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