Reducing emissions of climate super-pollutants – globally and in the UK

About this Event
What are climate super-pollutants? How important are they for climate change? What can be done? This webinar outlines current levels of non-CO₂ greenhouse gases which together represent more than one quarter of global annual emissions. EIA campaigners and the Climate and Clean Air Coalition (CCAC) will explore fast action strategies to drastically cut emissions – both in the UK and around the world.
EIA’s climate programme seeks to keep global warming below 1.5°C and meet the climate challenge through rapid, sustained reductions of emissions of all the major greenhouse gases. EIA works to secure, implement and enforce ambitious national, regional, global and sectoral obligations, reinforced by strong governance frameworks, corporate accountability and sustainable financing for a just and fair transition for all.
The Environmental Investigation Agency is a UK and US based non-governmental organisation that investigates and campaigns against environmental crime and abuse. EIA has exposed transnational wildlife, forest and climate crime, and helped introduce and enforce policy measures to combat climate change, protect the marine environment and halt biodiversity loss.
The Climate and Clean Air Coalition is a voluntary partnership of over 160 governments, intergovernmental organizations, and non-governmental organizations, convened within UNEP, that is working to reduce powerful but short-lived climate pollutants that drive both climate change and air pollution.
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