How to use carbon removals – from offsetting to insetting and beyond

Exchange House (7th floor), 12 Primrose St, London EC2A 2EG
In-person Delivering net zero and resilient London & UK Financing Global Climate Transitions Road to Climate Ambition at COP 30 Invite only Development EU Finance Innovation and Technology Nature Politics and Policy Professionals

About this Event

For carbon removals to scale as required, they need to stop being viewed as exotic offsets and start being embedded in the climate strategies of governments and businesses around the world. But what does that look like in practice and how do we get from here to there? Should companies use removals to neutralise today’s emissions, focus on residual emissions or do something in between? How can insetting removals in the value chain play into an overall business strategy, so that policy makers and regulators can start to embed removals more widely?

In this workshop, Rethinking Removals will bring together a select, high-level group of market players, regulators and voluntary rule-setters to discuss the what, how and when of use cases for carbon removals.